I learned to skip rocks!

I learned to skip rocks!

On Sunday I went to the mountains with my Mom and Dad and Sister and one of our dogs, Stuffie because Asia is too old and can't hear and would wander a bit but I still love her, she's a good dog. 

We did a whole bunch of stuff and I really had alot of fun! My Dad taught me how to skip rocks!  

We went to beaver mines and when we got there we had lunch by a creek and then we harvested a bit of pine sap for something special I want to do. You'll find out later what that is about.  I got to use the knife my grandpa gave me to scrape the sap off the trees and we collected about 3 pounds of it and my hands were very sticky after. 

I planted a tree in a meadow where there was a lot of trees cut down I think I picked the perfect spot and I hope it grows to be really strong. I will visit it each year to see how big it is getting.  After we planted the tree I got to start a campfire with my dad using one of the fire starters I made, and it worked really good!

When we were done with our time outside we went to the Beaver Mines store for Ice cream.  My Dad always takes us there when we go camping, it's the best place for Ice cream. Me and my dad had mudslide which tasted like chocolate and coffee and my mom and Grace had strawberry cheesecake.

You can see the video of my fire and all the pictures from the day, and if you need any fire starters the link to buy them is down below!
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Watch me build a fire!